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privacy hub is a project currently run by an anonymous individual who promotes free, libre, open-source, and privacy respecting and oriented software and utilities.

here you can find instances of privacy respecting front-ends for many popular websites/services, as well as some custom built projects (planned).

note that this is currently work in progress, for future plans, look at the news/todo section


  • searxng

    free, libre and open-source, privacy respecting meta-search engine which delivers results from other search engines such as google, bing, duckduckgo, brave, and many others without them knowing anything about you

  • simply translate

    free, libre and open-source, minimal and lightweight and privacy respecting Google Translate frontend.

  • excalidraw

    free, libre and open-source, web based whiteboard software

  • redlib

    free, libre and open-source, minimal and lightweight and privacy respecting R*ddit frontend for you r*dditor soyjaks

    warning: high levels of soy and estrogen!

  • wikiless

    free, libre and open-source, minimal and lightweight and privacy respecting Wikipedia frontend

  • email

    I host a mail server on this machine, currently I only allow accounts to friends, but soon a registration form will be avaliable for everyone.

    email client configuration:

    SMTP and IMAP server address:

    SMTP server port:


    IMAP server port:



all of this is currently paid by me, I pay for the VPS (10 € monthly) and the domain name (17 € yearly).

if you like the project and want to keep it alive and possibly expand, you can donate using the following:






for any questions and suggestions, you can reach me via my email: admin [at]

replace [at] with @ (this is so bots don't pick up on the mail send send spam)

I also have matrix:


  • add an invidious instance
  • rework the suggested software section (currently commented out in the source code)
  • rss feed/email subscription for news
  • geminy version and tor version (of this page)
  • file uploading

the rabbit hole goes deep

- idk, probably edward snowden